Holy Trinity Sunday

Our faith is summarized by the sign of the cross when we bless ourselves as we say “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. The Trinity is at the core of our faith, a God of three divine persons, a communion of love. The Cross is the greatest sign of that love on which the Son died for us to be our Saviour and Redeemer.

Christian witness is the response of all believers to our vocation in baptism and confirmation. In a very simple daily way we can give witness both within our family and in the public, by crossing ourselves with the invocation of the Holy Trinity in saying grace before each meal, or in moments of giving thanks. We remind both ourselves and those who witness by our tracing the Trinity over us, that in all we do and say let it be done for the glory of our Lord. Let it be seen that I live, move and act in presence of the Most Holy Trinity!

June 16 – Congratulations to our candidates for First Holy Communion who will be receiving the Eucharist this weekend.
June 23 –  we will be doing a procession for Corpus Christi after 11:00 am mass.
June 25 – Padre Cook Night: and activity for the young adults group of Sacred Heart with guest speaker Fr Matthew Schneider
June 30 – Parish picnic: after 11am mass.