Volunteering at Sacred Heart

Thank you and Bless you for your interest in Volunteering at Sacred Heart Church.

Through your selfless gifts of time and talent, Sacred Heart Church grows and thrives, meeting the needs of our Parish and Community.

The Calgary Diocese is committed to ensuring that, as a community, do all we can to assure that the right gifts are shared in the right way, at the right time, by the right people. Volunteer screening is an important part of achieving this mission. 

All volunteer roles within the Diocese undergo an assessment to determine level of trust and/or risk associated with the role based on a number of factors.  To view risk level associated with volunteer roles, click HERE.



There are two steps to screening volunteers in low risk ministries. (Low risk ministries do not require police checks.)

STEP ONE: Sign Paperwork
Please download, print, sign and return forms below to the Parish Office by December 15th. 
Blank forms are available at the Church if you are unable to print.
FORMS:  (Click to open/download)
  1. Volunteer Information Form
  2. Code of Conduct
  3. Volunteer Agreement
You may have filled out some of these forms years ago. We kindly ask that all volunteers fill all forms out in their entirety to ensure we are up to date. Going forward, the Diocese will ask everyone to re-sign the Code of Conduct every 2 years.

STEP TWO: Complete Safety Training
  • All volunteers have to complete (online) safety training regardless of the role they are doing.
  • After you return your paperwork, you will receive a separate email from an online training service called Praesidium.
  • The email will come from donotreply@praesidiuminc.com. Please check your junk folder if you don’t receive it.
  • The email will contain a personalized link to a training account.
  • Praesidium will give you access to a large library of safety modules but you don’t have to do all of them.
NEW volunteers need to complete Safe Environment Training consisting of 4 modules:
  1. Meet Sam (~15 mins)
  2. It Happened to Me (~15 mins)
  3. Keeping Your Church Safe (~30 mins)
  4. Your Policies (review of the Diocesan Code of Conduct) (~5 mins)
    The remaining modules are not mandatory.
CONTINUING volunteers who have already done the modules in the past, need to complete one module titled “Abuse Prevention Refresher” (~45-60 mins).


As above (Low Risk Ministries Forms + online training) with the addition of a Background Check. (Contact the office for details)


If your child(ren) are volunteering for (Altar Servers and/or Choir ministries), please download and fill out the following forms:

Participant Permission Form (Minor), located HERE.
Annual Registration Form (Youth), located HERE.
Please fill out The Code of Pastoral Conduct and Accountability Form (Minors) located HERE.

If your child(ren) are volunteering the Altar Servers ministry, please download and fill out the form located HERE.

Any questions or concerns, contact our Parish Volunteer Coordinator, Carlo at volunteers@sacredheartcalgary.ca.

Group training sessions will be held in January.