Pentecost Sunday

God the Father has given us the gift of His Holy Spirit in Baptism and Confirmation in order to bless the world. We are daily placed in encounters with hurting souls and searching souls, but we feel insecure as to what we can say or do to make a difference. A simple prayer from the heart, “Come Holy Spirit”, should be our response to give His words of consolation, instruction, encouragement, and to boldly act in His Name to do the right thing. In Him I can do all things!

How do you invite the Holy Spirit into your life then be bold like the apostles? Take one step this week to invite the Holy Spirit into your daily life. This can be as simple as saying every morning, “Come Holy Spirit”.

Keep in mind these events at our parish:

  • June 25. Padre Cook Night: and activity for the young adults group of Sacred Heart with guest speaker Fr Matthew Schneider
  • June 30. Parish picnic: after 11am mass.