At Sacred Heart Parish, we offer many opportunities for the members of our faith community to contribute their time and service to the greater good of God, the Church and the community.
Volunteer Screening Process (revised April 2023)
Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Adults is designed to assist us to make the Church truly safe for the vulnerable, to break down the mistrust and the anger that afflicts so many of our brothers and sisters. The Diocese of Calgary ensures the protection of minors and vulnerable adults by following the standards in Strengthening Our Parish Communities protocols, including screening, training for abuse prevention and reporting and collaboration with civil authorities.
To create an environment where abuse is unthinkable and everyone is part of a “culture of safety,” we need to educate everyone who has any kind of leadership or who holds a position of responsibility in the parish, including: all clergy, staff, Parish Pastoral Council and Parish Finance Council members, everyone who works with or around minors or vulnerable adults, coordinators of all ministries, even if their ministry does not involve minors, and all facility key holders.
In the spirit of stewardship and Strengthening Our Parish Communities, the Diocese provides leadership and resources to its parishes and programs for collaborative ministries to thrive in vibrant, respectful, and safe environments.
- Ministry Risk Levels Reference Guide
- High-Risk Code of Conduct
- Low-Risk Code of Conduct
- Code of Conduct and Accountability for Youth Working with Younger Children
- Code of Conduct and Accountability for Children
High Risk Ministries
- Volunteer Application & Reference Form
- Interview – You will need to meet with the Volunteers Coordinator if she has not already met you
- You will need to obtain a VSPIC (Vulnerable Sector Police Information Check)
- The Volunteers Coordinator will send you a letter to help get a discounted rate.
- The Parish will reimburse you for the cost.
- Visit the police website to do it online in under 15 minutes.
- Ministry Position Description (See individual ministries for this information)
- Confidentiality Agreement
- High-Risk Code of Conduct
- You will need to complete your Praesidium Sexual Abuse Prevention Training (which you will receive an invite through email to do)
- Meet Sam
- It Happened to Me
- Keeping Your Church Safe
- Your Policies
- Other Modules as Requested (Different per Ministry)
Low Risk Ministries
- Volunteer Application
- Ministry Position Description (See individual ministries for this information)
- Low-Risk Code of Conduct
- You will need to complete your Praesidium Sexual Abuse Prevention Training (which you will receive an invite through email to do)
- Meet Sam
- It Happened to Me
- Keeping Your Church safe
- Your Policies
Note: All low-risk ministries cannot be alone with a vulnerable adult or minor at any time. If there is a possibility, the ministry becomes high-risk and the high-risk requirements must be followed.
Ministry Description Documents
- Altar Servers + Coordinator
- Choir Member (Adults Only)
- Extraordinary Ministers of the Holy Communion + Coordinator + Homebound
- Finance Council
- Parish Council
- Hospitality
- Hampers Program
- Lectors + Coordinator
- Sacramental Preparation Team