17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose” – Romans 8:28

All things? This biblical phrase should give us pause: All things? Even what is going on in our world today? Does St. Paul mean that God can bring good even out of bad things? Yes, that’s exactly what St. Paul means. If we love God, if we trust him and are seeking the meaning of our lives in our relationship with God, then he will redeem everything. This is Good News….the pearl of great price: our relationship in a trust-worthy God.

We need to be “treasure seekers” finding grace in what surrounds us.

  • Searching for God in prayer: In our spiritual lives, Jesus doesn’t want us to give up or get discouraged – another pearl of great price is waiting for us, if only we’ll keep going. “Those who seek, always find,” he promised (Matthew 7:8).
  • Searching for God in our neighbour: God can be hiding in those around us, in our personal encounters and in difficult situations. This week find a way that you discover God’s love in those around us.