Baptism of the Lord


Baptism and Reconciliation are closely related, in that both sacraments are a new creation. More wonderful than the Divine creation of all the origin of the heavens and the earth, is the infusion of God’s life in our soul at Baptism. We are so loved by God, not because of what we could ever do (or undo) but because of what He has done. I don’t have to prove my worth to God, He has done that already in choosing us for Himself.  


I love you! These three words have all the power to give new life, to restore hope, to instill courage and to find peace in turmoil. Often, we presume those who most need to hear these words, know we love them. The truth is, we all long to hear this. Don’t let a day go by without finding ‘that person’ to tell them they are loved. “I love you” is best of being human.