25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

COMING CLOSER TO CHRIST: My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways my ways.

Why does God think differently? Because he wants us to have interior peace and to trust. When we are always comparing ourselves to others, we are filled with worries, envy, stress, anger, and uncertainty. But if we simply try to give our best in life for Christ, thinking more of the glory of God than of self, and recognizing the abundant generosity of God’s love, then our trust in him will grow, those selfish motives will shrink, and we will begin to experience the unshakable peace and security that only Christ can give.

SENDING US OUT: Workers in the vineyard of the Lord

St. Paul says, “for me, living is Christ”. The friendship with Christ that we live here on earth is our true treasure.

  • Through friendship with Christ, we are no longer aimlessly waiting around in the town square, like the workers in the Gospel, but we have a mission!
  • He is the one who gives us a purpose!
  • We have become workers in the vineyard of the Lord, and our work is spreading that Good News and earning an indescribable reward in heaven.

How am I going to live this week as a trusted worker in the vineyard of the Lord?