21st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Who do you say that I am? There may be lots of opinions on who Jesus is or who he was, but today’s readings remind us that the most important opinion is our own: Christ isn’t only a historical figure, but as Peter pointed out: the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. Peter’s profession of faith in today’s Gospel was bolstered by grace, not just his own conclusion. The Father revealed something about his Son in Peter’s response, and Peter’s faith should be our faith.
Who is Christ to you? If your response lacks any element of Peter’s response, it is time to reexamine and deepen your faith.

Jesus gave Peter a special mission in today’s Gospel: “you are the rock on which I will build my Church”: He was a living stone, one of the foundations for the building of Christ’s Church. He was the rock on which Christ built his Church.

We are called to be those living stones who build upon the bedrock of the Church, to form that spiritual edifice, to build up the Church.

The Holy Spirit is the protagonist; we are just the instruments, he will transform us into living stones if we let him.

Let’s ask the Holy Spirit this week to show us how we too can edify the Church.