14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

COMING CLOSER TO CHRIST: In today’s Gospel, we get a glimpse of the person of Christ.

  • He invites the crowds to come to him, to follow and obey him, so that he can “give them rest.” He will never force us to labour and carry heavy burdens just for his own gratification, as selfish leaders do.
  • Instead, Jesus invites us to walk by his side, uniting our crosses to his cross, as if we and he were harnessed to the same yoke. Yes, we will have to work and suffer in this life, but when we do so united to Christ, it all has a purpose; it is all leading us somewhere. And so, instead of oppressing, depressing, and frustrating our souls, bearing crosses with Christ brings us deep satisfaction and peace of mind even in the midst of life’s trials.

SENDING US OUT: Meekness is not weakness, though subconsciously we confuse the two because they sound alike. Meekness is the uncommon strength that enables us to treat other people with patience, respect, and kindness, even in the two circumstances when that is almost impossible to do: First, when they don’t deserve it. Second, when we don’t feel like it.

  • Jesus was meek because even when people abused him, mocked him, tortured him, unjustly condemned him, and lied about him, he never lost his cool. He never lashed out at others to get back at them or to put them in their place. And as he hung on the cross, he didn’t condemn or disdain them, he forgave them.
  • When we follow his example of meekness, it allows Christ’s peace to spread in our hearts, because it frees us from being infected by the anger and pettiness oozing out of other people’s selfish hearts.