3rd Sunday of Lent


Human beings thirst and look for water wherever they think they will find it. …The wonderful thing is that the history of their salvation always begins with the digging of a well…. Start with these wells, traverse the Scriptures in search of wells, and reach the Gospels. There you will find the well beside which our Saviour was resting, wearied by his journey, when a Samaritan woman came to draw water from it…It is beside the well that He waits for us. (Origen, Homilies on Numbers)

SERVING OTHERS:   Many people, like the Samaritan woman in today’s reading, rely on a well to quench their thirst; a well which tethers us to come back again and again. Fear is a real thirst in our lives, and we all can find ourselves desperately protecting our well – as we read in the news about people hoarding toilet paper. Only Jesus can quench completely our fears in the security of His Providence. Invite someone you encounter this week who is fearful, to turn to Jesus. He alone is our hope and salvation.