23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Why is it that when we dream of what our life should be, we don’t consider that the cross belongs in our life? More likely, when we dream we fancy ourselves having a good time, and fulfilling our plans. This is what is wrong with this picture; we forgot our vocation on earth is to reach heaven through Jesus. While we are dreaming of ‘our’ plans here below, Christ dreams of His Father’s plan for you and me. Letting go of our plans, what is called ‘detachment’, is where the cross unites our will to the Divine Will. Do not fear the cross, rather fear striving for all things second to God! 

For many of us this Sunday is settling back into our ordinary routine after summer travels. Along with the familiar faces, there are always new parishioners who just joined us as well as visitors. Make it your personal challenge to meet and greet a new face among us. Remember, we too were once a stranger and welcomed!