18th Sunday in Ordinary Time

This month of August on the 8th we Catholics celebrate the liturgical feast day of the Transfiguration of the Lord. This mystery of Jesus ascending the mountain with Peter, John and James is recounted in all three Synoptic gospels of Matthew17:1–8, Mark 9:2–8, Luke and alluded to in John 1:14. Jesus brought with him these three disciples to witness his future glory here at hand yet hidden under the auspices of his humanity. The Glory of God is made known to these first witnesses that they see and believe the great things the Lord has prepared for those accept him as Saviour. Just as Jesus was intentional in accompanying these men to “show them” the faith the disciples were born into but didn’t fully understand, so too we are called by Jesus to accompany those in “our inner circle” to personally experience the love of God. Accompaniment is becoming Jesus, that is letting Jesus use you to invite the people in your circles of relationships to go on a sacred adventure with you through a faith formation program.

There are many resources available on our FORMED.ORG parish subscription to start small groups for faith sharing, as well as ministries to serve one another in our parish community. Start the ascent of your transfiguration by inviting a friend on a sacred journey of discovering and living out fully our faith; faith is not inert, love is manifest in deeds! If you need help with finding the right formation program or ministry to serve please stop by our parish office to find the right fit for you.