The Ascension of the Lord

Spiritual Take-away
Each holy mass the priest ends with the dismissal, “go”. The word “Go” appears 1542 times in the Bible while the word “stay” only 62. We are sent forth by God “to go”: make a difference in the world with love for the unloved, make peace with those you have divisions in your life, speak the truth of the gospel to the ignorant, be a blessing for those who curse you. When we hear these words of dismissal, does the Eucharist and the Word stay with us, or go out with us to the world?

Catechism Challenge
The gift of faith, always begins with an invitation by someone close to me, whether that was my parents at baptism or a friend asked me to come to mass with them. Jesus built his Church upon personal invitations. Who needs that tap on the shoulder this week that I will invite to come to mass with me. If you never invite, the unbeliever or the lapse Catholic will never come to know the Lord.

Do you know Me, love and share Me?
Summer is upon us, and school is getting out. Let’s be on the move to plan ahead what means of faith formation I can propose for the family. If we are not growing in our faith, we are withering.